Weed Control in Christmas Trees

NEWS & UPDATES April 2024

Don’t Miss RCTB’s Next Webinar on June 25!

Weed Control in Christmas Trees

Weeds are one of the biggest challenges all farmers face. What are options to control problem weeds in Christmas tree fields? Featured presenters: Dr. Joe Neal, North Carolina State University and Dr. Marcelo Moretti, Oregon State University.

Dr. Joe Neal, North Carolina State University

Dr. Marcelo Moretti, Oregon State University

Pesticide Credits are available for Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Washington.

Webinar begins at 11 am eastern and you must register in advance. Click HEREto register.   

If you attended one of our previous webinars, you do NOT need to register again and should have received a reminder email from the MSU Christmas Tree team.

Thank you to Michigan State University for hosting this series on behalf of the Real Christmas Tree Board.

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