Farm Details

Highfield Farm

403 Jarvis Gore Dr, Eddington, ME 04428
Phone: 207-843-0577
Hours: Fri-Sun, 9-4
We Offer:
  • Choose and Cut

We are a small Choose-and-Cut Christmas Tree farm located on Rte. 46 in Eddington. We are entering our 13th season, continuing a tradition started by the original owners over 50 years ago. Walk our easily accessible fields of natural 6’-9’ balsam fir. Our trees are grown organically. No chemicals have been used on this property since 2015. We have handsaws for you to use. We are happy to help you cut and load your tree. No netting or baling available. Trees up to 8’ are $40. Over 8’ are $50 and up.  We accept cash and personal checks. We have up to 100 trees ready to cut, and may  close after Dec.10 if supply runs low. We will update this post when we close.