NEWS & UPDATES September2023
New Webinar Series
Announcing a new quarterly webinar series featuring research projects funded by the RCTB and other topics important to Christmas tree growers. This webinar series will be hosted in collaboration with Michigan State University and the first webinar will take place on September 28.
Intentional Communications
If you’re speaking on behalf of an organization or as an advocate for an industry, you’re serving as a “spokesperson.” You may not be on TV or giving interviews to newspapers, but your message is just as critical in meetings, at conferences, and in coffee shops. And all good spokespeople have one thing in common: They don’t leave their message to chance. They are intentional about what they say and how they say it. Led by John Armato, Senior Partner with FleishmanHillard – the Real Christmas Tree Board’s communications agency partner – this session will give you insights into what messages really are, how they function, and what separates the good ones from the bad. You’ll learn more about the story the RCTB is working to tell and essential techniques you can use to help reinforce it, including the importance of “first words,” using the “ATM” technique to get from where you are in a conversation to where you want to go, and the importance of speaking with one voice while personalizing your particular approach.
Tentative dates and topics for future webinars are:
  • January 23, 2024 – Elongate Hemlock Scale Current Management and Novel Controls
  • April 23, 2024 – The Christmas Tree Genome Project to Rapidly Advance Genetic Improvement
  • June 25, 2024 – Weed Control in Christmas Tree Fields
Webinars will be held at 11:00 am Eastern time and registration is required to attend. The RCTB plans to post recordings of the webinars on our website for viewing by those who cannot attend the live session. Click HERE to register and attend!
‘Tis The Season!
The harvest and selling season is practically here, so a few things to remember from the RCTB:
  • Retail Locator Veterans – Those featured in past years should have received an email reminding you to renew your listing with instructions of how to do so – please don’t delay!
  • Retail Locator Newbies – If you have a retail location that you would like included, or know someone who does, you simply register HERE.
  • All industry members and friends are encouraged to follow and share our “Joy to the Real” campaign on social media:
Real Christmas Tree Board
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