Farm Food Safety Plan Writing Resources
If you have a farm food safety plan to satisfy a third-party audit, you may be interested in checking out the Farm Food Safety Plan Workshop materials now available on the Produce Safety Resource Library under DACF Presentations.
These materials were developed for the farm food safety plan writing workshops offered by the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation & Forestry at the 2025 Maine Agricultural Trades Show. The workshop was designed to help farms develop a food safety plan to meet USDA AMS regular GAP Parts 1-4 audit requirements. The workshop food safety plan template includes a tip sheet for requesting and preparing for a USDA AMS GAP audit (regular or Harmonized).
For an example of a basic/minimal farm food safety plan for a Produce Safety Rule Qualified Exempt farm see the Thomaston Demonstration Site Food Safety Plan 2020. This plan is not designed to meet USDA AMS GAP audit requirements.
Please reach out for help finding farm food safety plan or record templates!
Lindsay Werner Inspection Process Analyst Coordinator Quality Assurance & Regulations (207) 592-2687